Saturday, September 11, 2010

Some new developments!

Well it would seem I've started this blog just in move! I've just become the proud owner of!! Big things to come, I'm sure. So the blog will be moved over there by the end of the weekend and the store will follow shortly.

We've got a ways to go yet with design and creation of the store. How it will look, how it will feel and interact...I'm so excited!! I love design. I may not be the best at it...but it's always such fun.

The store will be open in time to unveil my new soaps too! It's been such a long time since I've made soaps but I'm so excited to get back to it. All the wonderful fragrences, and the oils that the soaps are made of, different additives like cinnamon or oatmeal...I promise; it'll be yummy. I can't wait. I have to wait though, and so do you because soap takes many weeks to cure.

In addition to launching a new site; in the following weeks I'll be introducing you to a new creator that'll be working on the site and offering her wonderful words on the blog, and great creations on the site for sale!! See!? SO much to look forward to!! It's going to be a wonderful wonderful winter at Flutterbuy Gifts. Stay tuned ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sevan :)
It wouldn't let me leave a message a minute ago- hopefully it will go through this time.